Absence/Cancellation Management
Matthew McKeown
We want to set a cancellation period e.g. 7 days - If a cancellation occurs outside this window, the booking is automatically removed. If within the window, the booking automatically changes to an absence. This would streamline the process and then wouldn't need manual approval for each request.
Training Team
Training Team
Merged in a post:
Cut off time for absence notifications
Rachael Hillman
It would be helpful to be able to set a cut off time for parents to notify us of absences. Our OOSH service starts at 3pm and some families are sending absent notifications after this time while staff are on the floor with the children and cannot access the notifications on office.
Melissa Southern
Or at least the option to delete the booking from the Absence Request window
Sustainable OSHC
Yes - absolutely agree! Such a hassle having to approve individual requests and then delete the bookings if outside of cancellation period.