It would be great if when scrolling ahead on Master Roll, the age of the child shown would reflect the age that the child will actually be on that date. For example, when I look at a child today on Master Roll that has a booking for today, it tells me that the child is 1y 10m old today. But when I scroll ahead on Master Roll to September next year, the age of the same child is still saying 1y 10m old instead of the age the child would be on the date I have scrolled ahead to look at.
When trying to sort out what dates children should be going up to future rooms etc on future dates, it would be so much easier to have the age of the child displayed on any given date on Master Roll the actual age that the child will actually be on that date, not the age that the child is today.
Could this please be considered as a feature for future updates please as I'm sure other educators would find this such a useful tool when transitioning children to the next room up as they get older.
Thank you kindly.