Permission Forms
Training Team
Training Team
Accounts QIKKIDS
Do you mean you want to send through the app for parents to be able to give permission and sign through the app? You can also attach forms through comms centre. We use JotForm and then pop the link in our email to send to families and they do it like that.
cherrie seale
can you do that through the comms centre??
Bonkers Beat
that will be great!
Lismore Preschool Inc
yes please
Kate Hill
Needs to be a separate form option so we can create forms as needed but they auto attach to the child's profile (like the enrolment form) please!
Training Team
Training Team
Merged in a post:
Parent Permission forms
This feature can support the following.
Vacation Care excursions, Administration of Medication, permission to leave care (for lessons and extra curricular) and any custom permissions needed.
If Xplor had a generic permission form template where the service can select parents to send (via comms) and fill in the title, permission description, any mandatory acknowledgements we can choose to add, and send.
This will mean that it's up to the service to ensure all necessary information to be compliant for the permission is in the description they add. Xplor won't have to create individual templates.
Just like the waitlist and the debit success forms, the service can receive the form as an email attachment and the acknowledgement can be added to the enrolment.
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